Anagrams beginning with A
A kind of Kidnapping
- faking kidnap in pod [↓]
- napkin if poking dad [↓]
A nag a Mr
A political statement
- a pestilential tomcat [↓]
- complaisant ate title [↓]
- Atlas I contemplate it [↓]
Aberdeenshire council
- licence our Seabird hen [↓]
Abraham Lincoln
- chairman on ball [↓]
- a carbon hillman [↓]
- monarch in a ball [↓]
- a man evaded [↓]
- evade a damn [↓]
- ave dad amen [↓]
Adolf Hitler
- thrilled oaf [↓]
- allied forth [↓]
- dollar thief [↓]
- ill of hatred [↓]
- I retold half [↓]
Agatha Christie
Alan Turing enigma
- a malingering aunt [↓]
- reanimating a lung [↓]
- managerial tuning [↓]
- emanating a ruling [↓]
- am aligning nature [↓]
- nailing a argument [↓]
- amateur in angling [↓]
- gaining at numeral [↓]
- gaunter ailing man [↓]
Albert Einstein
- neat libertines [↓]
- entertains bile [↓]
- linen batteries [↓]
- a libertine nest [↓]
- nineties bralet [↓]
- nearest lite bin [↓]
- intense lite bar [↓]
- bent lite arisen [↓]
Albus Dumbledore
- a bulb smouldered [↓]
- a bulb smouldered [↓]
- belabour muddles [↓]
- bumblers do a duel [↓]
- modelled a suburb [↓]
- a bulbous meddler [↓]
- so lauded bumbler [↓]
- abused duller mob [↓]
- subdue old ambler [↓]
- amused old lubber [↓]
Alex Cole-Hamilton
- mall election hoax [↓]
- to lexical manhole [↓]
- lethal mexican loo [↓]
- loathe lone climax [↓]
- extol melancholia [↓]
- extol melancholia [↓]
alex salmond
- axeman dolls [↓]
- led lax moans [↓]
- ox and a smell [↓]
Alexander Boris de pfeffel Johnson
- profane Liar fox lends hen feed jobs [↓]
- Liar penned serfhood snaffle ex-job [↓]
- Liar of ex-job fondles fanned herpes [↓]
- hapless Liar offend on fender ex-job [↓]
- Hapless lair free non job fed fox end [↓]
- ref non Job Hapless lair offended ex [↓]
- blond liar japes of sex offender hen [↓]
- blonder liar offend hen of sex japes [↓]
- jobs elf penned Liar hoax offenders [↓]
- Behold liar fop offendsAnnex jeers [↓]
- Liar flexes pen off job DohEnsnared [↓]
- doh ensnared liar flexes pen off job [↓]
- blondhaired felons fees fox pen jar [↓]
- blonde arse holes jinxed faroff pen [↓]
- flaxen arse hole sniffer pen oddjob [↓]
- arse hole jinxed fond person baffle [↓]
- banned arse hole jinxed flop offers [↓]
- blonde arse hole jinxed faroff pens [↓]
- arse hole fanned prefix jobs fondle [↓]
- arse hole jinxes offend ponder flab [↓]
- oxen arse japes offer hen blindfold [↓]
- ah Jinxed felon ponders flab or fees [↓]
- ah Jinxed felon ponders flab or fees [↓]
- ah jinxed felon ponders flab or fees [↓]
Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson MP
- fallen ex-PM fees forbidden honors jap [↓]
- ex-PM ponders rejoin off fees handball [↓]
- feral ex-PM fees elf orphan oddjob inns [↓]
- ex-PM jail fees afford phone n blonders [↓]
- ah blond ex-PM jailed non proffers fees [↓]
Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson Uxbridge
- Serfs fallen for jaded xenophobe in Uxbridge [↓]
Alice Roberts
- relocates rib [↓]
- bloc arteries [↓]
- sober article [↓]
- caterer boils [↓]
Alison Rose
- loosens air [↓]
- oils reason [↓]
- raises loon [↓]
- oral noises [↓]
- nooses liar [↓]
- lions arose [↓]
Allister Heath
- all hit the arse [↓]
- all hit the arse [↓]
An anagram is not a hidden truth
- grants handed to humanitarian [↓]
anagram challenge
anagram definition
- far end imagination [↓]
- raining defamation [↓]
- admiring innate oaf [↓]
- a defining animator [↓]
- naming daintier oaf [↓]
anagram meaning
- am angering a man [↓]
- mama nag grannie [↓]
anagram solver
Anagram solver for long words full names and phrases
- Unparalleled vow of grandmas marshgas forlornness [↓]
Anagrams r me
- sane grammar [↓]
- mars manager [↓]
- rangers mama [↓]
Andrew Bowie
- awed brownie [↓]
- rainbow weed [↓]
- ban we weirdo [↓]
- a beer window [↓]
Andrew Bridgen
- bring new dread [↓]
- bring awed nerd [↓]
- branded winger [↓]
- darned brewing [↓]
Andrew Bridgencon
andrew c tate
Andrew Neil
Andrew RT Davies
- warn advertised [↓]
- redraw deviants [↓]
- driven eastward [↓]
- we drat invaders [↓]
- inverted awards [↓]
- dwarves trade-in [↓]
- I ranted dwarves [↓]
- a dwarves tinder [↓]
- a advert rewinds [↓]
andrew tate
- deter a want [↓]
- re want date [↓]
- re want date [↓]
Andrew Windsor
- drowned in wars [↓]
- onwards rewind [↓]
- I drown wardens [↓]
Angela Rayner
- nearly a range [↓]
- nay real anger [↓]
- angry near ale [↓]
Angourie Rice
- I rein courage [↓]
- courier in age [↓]
- I roar eugenic [↓]
- I cure ironage [↓]
- I enrage curio [↓]
- ruin or iceage [↓]
- re ironic ague [↓]
- cue ear origin [↓]
Angus Robertson
Animal Rebellion
- a millennial bore [↓]
- nominal reliable [↓]
- ail nobler menial [↓]
- a millennial bore [↓]
Animal rising
- I aim snarling [↓]
- manias riling [↓]
- manias riling [↓]
ann coulter
- unclean rot [↓]
- recto annul [↓]
- re cult anon [↓]
- no clue rant [↓]
Ann Widdecombe
- wincebad demon [↓]
- wince bad demon [↓]
- wincebad demon [↓]
Anne of Green Gables
- a gals non beef genre [↓]
- enfeeble nag groans [↓]
- one fables gangrene [↓]
- belong seagreen fan [↓]
- begone fern lasagne [↓]
- begone general fans [↓]
- anaesthetists in dismal minibar [↓]
- maintain established rim stains [↓]
- I maintain established smart sin [↓]
Antony Blinken
- one tinny blank [↓]
- ninny ant bloke [↓]
- ninny bone talk [↓]
- to be lank ninny [↓]
Any name here
Applications of Mathematics
- oft a misapplication matches [↓]
April Fools Update
- florid to applause [↓]
- sod laptop failure [↓]
- so a ritual flopped [↓]
- our laptops failed [↓]
- oaf leotard slipup [↓]
- popular sot failed [↓]
- idlest oaf popular [↓]
Aptagram meaning
- gem in apt anagram [↓]
- gem in apt anagram [↓]
Arcturus variant
- a truant virus arc [↓]
- a truant virus arc [↓]
artificial intelligence
- artificial gin clientele [↓]
- electric alien failing it [↓]
- electric alien failing it [↓]
- I lift electric alien gain [↓]
- electric alien failing it [↓]
- I intergalactic lifeline [↓]
- I accelerating finite ill [↓]
- accelerating fine till I I [↓]
- recline facilitating lie [↓]
- finite interglacial lice [↓]
- I inflict allegiance tier [↓]
- I incinerate allelic gift [↓]
- initiating clerical flee [↓]
- ail life interacting lice [↓]
- tie a tail encircling life [↓]
- can illiterate life icing [↓]
- antigenic life I recall it [↓]
- circle lie attaining life [↓]
- let clinician triage life [↓]
- eg illicit life incarnate [↓]
- grit alienate clinic life [↓]
- citing life alliance rite [↓]
- titanic life clear [↓]
- titanic file clearing lie [↓]
- titanic life clearing lie [↓]
- I incinerate allelic gift [↓]
- I retain nice allelic gift [↓]
Ascension Island
- said nonsensical [↓]
- canoes in islands [↓]
- islands in oceans [↓]
- sos indian cleans [↓]
- noises in scandal [↓]
- a second in snails [↓]
- scones in a island [↓]
Ash Regan
Avengers Endgame
- gangrene saved me [↓]
- managers need veg [↓]
Await a link
Bashar alAssad
- ah arabs salads [↓]
- arabs had salsa [↓]
- alas arabs dash [↓]
Boris Alexander de Pfeffel Johnson
- befriended Sharp jeans flex on fool [↓]
- befall of Sharp defenders enjoin ox [↓]
- befallen Sharp rejoins ox offended [↓]
- endorse of jinxed Sharp of befallen [↓]
- soon be offered fallen Sharpjinxed [↓]
- fee of Sharp fanned doorbell jinxes [↓]
Boris Alexander DePfeffel Johnson
- oh Deplorable offender jinxes fans [↓]
- blonde hoaxer preensfends off jail [↓]
- hoaxer fends off jail bed personnel [↓]
british and proud
- dip around births [↓]
- hid putrid barons [↓]
- druids bit orphan [↓]
- horrid bandits up [↓]
- doh putrid brains [↓]
- bah sordid turnip [↓]
cake at stake
Can this anagram solver do phrases
- conversational marshgas shape Dr [↓]
- has grasped conversational marsh [↓]
- Mrs slapdash octogenarian shaver [↓]
Charlie and the chocolate factory
- a halfheartedly technocratic coo [↓]
- accidentally archer of toothache [↓]
- Acohort of cheater cynical dealth [↓]
- ah cohort of cynical cheater dealt [↓]
Clear plan Bold action Secure future
- unspectacular inbred electoral ufo [↓]
- inbred flatulence captures a colour [↓]
- corpuscular defiant or unelectable [↓]
- unelectable feudal corruptions car [↓]
- careful sad unelectable corruption [↓]
Clupach Ransom and Friend
- scornful handmaiden crap [↓]
- microfarad spanned lunch [↓]
- normalised punchcard fan [↓]
- unhand campfire caldrons [↓]
Conspiract theorists love their anagrams
- irrational vaccine protests smothers hag [↓]
- irrational vaccine tempts hoarser ghosts [↓]
- gosh irrational vaccine protestersmaths [↓]
Conspiracy theorists love a good anagram
- chaotic savagery apologists on man order [↓]
- Order monopolistChaotic savagery a snag [↓]
- chaos investigators goala company order [↓]
- ChaosAspirational maggots convey order. [↓]
- Chaos Clairvoyants ego to paganism order [↓]
Conspiracy theorists love a good anagram t
- prosaic dogmas say go control the narative [↓]
Conspiracy theorists love a good anagram t e r i
- go irrational vaccine protesters dogmas ahoy [↓]
- irrational vaccine protesters dooms yoga hag [↓]
Conspiracy theorists love an anagram e
- great reset as corona vainly champions [↓]
Conspiracy theorists love their anagrams
- change is controversial hairy postmaster [↓]
- I myth separators change is controversial [↓]
- anthropologists rearms Vaccinehysteria [↓]
- arrogant Vaccinehypothesiser moralists [↓]
- Vaccinesympathisers gestational horror [↓]
- Vaccinemisanthrope heartily grassroots [↓]
- Vaccine rational hypothesiser storm rags [↓]
- Gerontocracy leaves him starship rations [↓]
- a Gerontocracy leaves a shortish misprint [↓]
- Gerontocracy leaves hit irishman pastors [↓]
- Gerontocracy leaves sophist irishman art [↓]
- hi sir Gerontocracy leaves sophist mantra [↓]
- Mr Gerontocracy leaves sophist arias hint [↓]
- Mr Aria Gerontocracy leaves sophist hints [↓]
- Misanthrope hints to careless racy virago [↓]
- Misanthrope hints to scarily recover saga [↓]
- Misanthrope hints to asocial scary verger [↓]
- anthropocentric algorithms varies essay [↓]
- anthropocentric lavatories shags misery [↓]
- ravish anthropocentric sagas tiresomely [↓]
- Moreover harshly incapacitatingtossers [↓]
- snatching Remorseless oratory via a pitch [↓]
- I hip savant catching Remorseless oratory [↓]
- Remorseless oratory has vatican pitching [↓]
- satanic pitch having Remorseless oratory [↓]
- ah Remorseless oratory tactics having nip [↓]
- pacts hitching a vain Remorseless orator [↓]
- ah shy irrational vaccine protestors gems [↓]
- shy ogres irrational vaccine protest sham [↓]
- ooh a cat misrepresenting varsity scholar [↓]
- thy octavo arias misrepresenting scholar [↓]
- a victorya misrepresenting scholar oaths [↓]
- hiss I’m revelatory anthropocentric sagas [↓]
Conspiracy theorists love their anagrams d i
- grassy misanthropes coach irrelevant Idiot [↓]
- shamans copy ragstoriches irrelevant Idiot [↓]
- irrelevant Idiot scorches misanthropy saga [↓]
- irrelevant Idiot charges soapy monarchists [↓]
- activists misrepresenting a chordal hooray [↓]
- misrepresenting a harlots chaotic advisory [↓]
- ah scholar avoids misrepresenting atrocity [↓]
- ah trashy avocado misrepresenting clitoris [↓]
Country and western
- wry aunt contenders [↓]
- want dry encounters [↓]
- runny cow attenders [↓]
- contested runny war [↓]
- two cranny dentures [↓]
- try unwanted crones [↓]
- tenors cry unwanted [↓]
- torn unwary descent [↓]
- cow started nunnery [↓]
David Atherton
define anagram
Del amitri
Department for business and trade
- spurned bastards mentioned after [↓]
- Bastards mentioned fraudsRepent [↓]
Diane Abbott
Dianne Abbott
- anoint bad bet [↓]
- ban not baited [↓]
- not be a bandit [↓]
Dianne Abbott MP
Dont look back in anger
- golden abortion knack [↓]
- blank gin coke tornado [↓]
Drive Away Dolls
- drowsily ave lad [↓]
- ow salad devilry [↓]
- allowed diva yrs [↓]
- vow already slid [↓]
- sly word availed [↓]
- avowals yield Dr [↓]
- evilly do awards [↓]
- ow deadly rivals [↓]
- ladder so wavily [↓]
Emergency Alert
- gentle creamery [↓]
- cemetery angler [↓]
- teen gym clearer [↓]
- mere elegant cry [↓]
- mere elegant cry [↓]
Every anagram
- any average Mr [↓]
- a meaner gravy [↓]
Everything Everywhere All At Once
- err why heavenly genetic elevator [↓]
- hey revere whatever congenitally [↓]
- anchovy grew irrelevantly teehee [↓]
- they encage whoever lively ranter [↓]
- really invert whoever they encage [↓]
- hence a toy travelling everywhere [↓]
- why create everyone travelling eh [↓]
Farage and Trump
- tamp fraud anger [↓]
- arrange fat dump [↓]
- up after grandma [↓]
- managed fat purr [↓]
- fraud pentagram [↓]
full names short phrases and really really long words
- grandmasters loyally holler phrasal wonderfulness [↓]
- funny anagram helper rolls shadowless trolls dearly [↓]
- thunder flashes worldly anagrams on spellers orally [↓]
Gambling addiction
- go bidding claimant [↓]
- dim gangland biotic [↓]
- obliging addict man [↓]
Happy Anniversary
- nervy piranhas yap [↓]
- very pansy piranha [↓]
Harry Potter an d the Goblet of Fire
- Trophy fronted elaborate freight [↓]
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets
- serpent hearttoheart forced by charms [↓]
- boy corrected harsh serpent aftermath [↓]
- boy harms serpent retraced for hatchet [↓]
- ah rotter fed serpent harms boy catcher [↓]
- boy charted serpent harms threat force [↓]
Harry potter and the goblet of fire
- fronted elaborate trophy freight [↓]
Harry potter and the philosophers stone
- oh sophist reportedly threatens orphan [↓]
- theosophy riders plot threatens orphan [↓]
He is an angel pit
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
- stout plump madly want hay [↓]
- stout plump land away myth [↓]
I am a lesbian
- a amiable sin [↓]
- bails anemia [↓]
- I amens labia [↓]
- mines a labia [↓]
I am bored
I am lord Voldemort
- odd immortal lover [↓]
- odd immortal lover [↓]
I Boris Alexander Johnson Tory MPi
- Brexit liars manhood enjoys porn [↓]
In sickness and in health
- inane childishness tank [↓]
- kindnesses inhalant hic [↓]
- I hit clannish nakedness [↓]
- thinnish neck nasalised [↓]
- I had skinniest channels [↓]
- skinniest chilean hands [↓]
- skinniest chain handles [↓]
- nannies ceilidhs thanks [↓]
Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny
- a distended fad enjoys annihilation [↓]
- a thin denial joined on fad dynasties [↓]
- dynasties on a jehad land definition [↓]
- lefthanded dynasties adjoin ionian [↓]
- oh landed intifada enjoin dynasties [↓]
- oh defiant aladdin enjoin dynasties [↓]
- ah if addled enjoin nation dynasties [↓]
- I end a defiant hosanna disjointedly [↓]
- defiant dandelions disjoint hyaena [↓]
- joined yon hidden defiant assailant [↓]
- defiant hedonists adjoin inland aye [↓]
- oh defiant dynasties enjoin aladdin [↓]
- jaded Aladdin infestations in honey [↓]
- jaded Aladdin ninny foe hesitations [↓]
- a jaded Aladdin on fishy nonentities [↓]
- one jaded fashion intensity Aladdin [↓]
- jaded Aladdin intention fashions ye [↓]
- nonentity oaf jaded Aladdin shines I [↓]
- jaded Aladdin festoons in inanity eh [↓]
- jaded Aladdin annoys his intent foe I [↓]
- jaded Aladdin annoys in tin foe heist [↓]
- jaded Aladdin annoys foe hints in tie [↓]
- jaded Aladdin annoys foe inn tie shit [↓]
- jaded Aladdin annoys foe sent in it hi [↓]
- I jaded Aladdin annoys foe in his tent [↓]
- it is in then foe annoys [↓]
Indiana Jones and the temple of doom
- jeepstoneman in hat flooded domain [↓]
- Man in hat do stone female joined pod [↓]
Jacinda ahern
- had canine jar [↓]
- I canned rajah [↓]
- rajah in dance [↓]
- nine jar dacha [↓]
- jehad can rain [↓]
Jacinda Ardern
Julian Assange
- a sauna jingles [↓]
- aliens jag anus [↓]
- a asians jungle [↓]
- genial as janus [↓]
Knock at the cabin
- tin knot backache [↓]
- be coca thinktank [↓]
- the botanic knack [↓]
Latimer Alder
- Mr elated liar [↓]
- let liar dream [↓]
- tell a admirer [↓]
- alarmed tiler [↓]
- a tame driller [↓]
- am all retired [↓]
- mallet raider [↓]
- radial melter [↓]
- I melt a larder [↓]
- err I melt a lad [↓]
- meltdear liar [↓]
- can mock that [↓]
Lee Anderson
Lee Anderson MP
- on relapsed men [↓]
- Mr pleased none [↓]
- endorse me plan [↓]
- led pen moaners [↓]
- led pen moaners [↓]
- relapsed on men [↓]
- deplor sane men [↓]
- endorse me plan [↓]
- manners eloped [↓]
- moaners led pen [↓]
- needles on pram [↓]
- panders ole men [↓]
- lend me persona [↓]
Lexicon and settings
- continentals dig sex [↓]
- legends intoxicants [↓]
- dig nonsensical text [↓]
- do text cleaning sins [↓]
- sods in text cleaning [↓]
- scanning soiled text [↓]
- scolding insane text [↓]
- losing text in dances [↓]
Long term decisions for a brighter future
- big reformer authoring selfdestruction [↓]
longterm decisions for a brighter future
- err rogue habitforming selfdestruction [↓]
- big reformer authoring selfdestruction [↓]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- I moped illustrators memo [↓]
- immortalised pout morsel [↓]
- tripoli mom somersaulted [↓]
- map millimetres outdoors [↓]
- sod roommate multipliers [↓]
- mood maestro multipliers [↓]
- immoral supermodels to it [↓]
- I omit mortal supermodels [↓]
- mom to dullest impresario [↓]
- loosest model imprimatur [↓]
- [↓]
Make America Great Again
- I manage a karate grimace [↓]
- am making a iceage errata [↓]
mary had a little lamb
- a tall admirable myth [↓]
- tribal hamlet malady [↓]
monsters vs aliens
MP Boris Alexander DePfeffel Johnson
- blonde hoaxer fends off jail preps men [↓]
nag a ram dot com
- command a groat [↓]
- am a dormant cog [↓]
Nasagram is not the first long anagram tool
- transformational aggregation sloths man [↓]
Neil Armstrong
- ornaments girl [↓]
- rile strongman [↓]
- germinal snort [↓]
- a gremlins torn [↓]
- storm learning [↓]
- later mornings [↓]
- strangle minor [↓]
No one is above the law
- woo a violent banshee [↓]
- ownotable evasion eh? [↓]
null and void
- dun old anvil [↓]
- odd nun villa [↓]
- dull non diva [↓]
- vain dun doll [↓]
- vino and dull [↓]
nurse amelia
- a leisure man [↓]
- surname a lie [↓]
- surname a lie [↓]
Once upon a time
- continue a poem [↓]
- caption one emu [↓]
- compete a union [↓]
- matinee coupon [↓]
- mention a coupe [↓]
- I outpace no men [↓]
- come on petunia [↓]
- utopian once me [↓]
- open emu action [↓]
Patriotic Alternative
- evict per totalitarian [↓]
- trot racial naivete pit [↓]
- trot racial naivete pit [↓]
Patriotic Alternative leaflets
- racist trope titillate leave fan [↓]
- vile racist trope attain leaflet [↓]
- a little native elf a racist trope [↓]
Planet of the apes
- a pet of elephants [↓]
- telephone fat sap [↓]
- foes pat elephant [↓]
- pheasant feel pot [↓]
- ah fattens people [↓]
- potent alphas fee [↓]
- soften the appeal [↓]
- apples fatten hoe [↓]
- hasten fat people [↓]
Pride and prejudice
- draped in prejudice [↓]
- cupid draped in jeer [↓]
- jape reined Dr Cupid [↓]
- Cupid needed rip jar [↓]
- re ripen jaded Cupid [↓]
- rapid jeer end Cupid [↓]
Prince Andrew
Prince Andrew Windsor
- Nonce drips warder win [↓]
- drips warn weird nonce [↓]
Princess Anne
- nice spanners [↓]
- penis scanner [↓]
- seen crap inns [↓]
Rishi Sunak and Lee Anderson
- I snarl seen around Skinhead [↓]
Sense and Sensibility
- I deny beastliness sin [↓]
Shadow and bone
Sir David Attenborough
- narrator divides hot bug [↓]
- narrator visited god hub [↓]
- hive dud bigotsnarrator [↓]
- narrator doubts hive dig [↓]
Sound and fury signifying nothing
- distinguishing funny granny food [↓]
- oft disorganising unfunny dinghy [↓]
- unsatisfying undying foghorn din [↓]
- ridding astonishing unfunny fogy [↓]
Spirited Away
- dewy apiarist [↓]
- tepid airways [↓]
- we pay diarist [↓]
- radiate wispy [↓]
- a spidery wait [↓]
- widest apiary [↓]
Spiro Agnew
- war pigeons [↓]
- pigeon wars [↓]
- I own grapes [↓]
- gropes a win [↓]
- a pigs owner [↓]
- gain powers [↓]
- prison wage [↓]
- rowing apes [↓]
- wipes organ [↓]
- a grope wins [↓]
- grow a spine [↓]
- wig persona [↓]
- rasping woe [↓]
- ow eg sprain [↓]
- I own grapes [↓]
- I spawn ogre [↓]
- go ripen saw [↓]
St Andrews
Stand up and fight
- daft hand-guns tip [↓]
- daft hand-guns tip [↓]
The academy awards
- ah we act daydreams [↓]
- watches a daydream [↓]
The Alba Party
- betrayal path [↓]
- teaparty blah [↓]
- threat by a pal [↓]
The American fastfood giant McDonalds
- chaff dead gastrointestinal commando [↓]
The good the bad and the ugly
- taught by hotheaded golden [↓]
- denote thy hat badged ghoul [↓]
- ah doughty hatted ego blend [↓]
- haughty longed to deathbed [↓]
- Badgedhattedtoughly hone [↓]
- yon the Badged hatted ghoul [↓]
- oh lye hatted Badged hot gun [↓]
- Badged hatted gun to holy eh [↓]
- oh ye loth badged hatted gun [↓]
- to Badged hatted holy gun eh [↓]
The Last Airbender
- librate adherents [↓]
- adherers in battle [↓]
- breathes a tendril [↓]
- islander be threat [↓]
- blared in theatres [↓]
- hate tribe snarled [↓]
- leader hasnt tribe [↓]
- three sandal tribe [↓]
The man who speaks in anagrams
- how mainstream pagans shaken [↓]
- hangman awakes aphorism sent [↓]
- aha showmen emanating sparks [↓]
the only anagram solver with no limits
- transliterating memo lavishly nohow [↓]
- hi two villainly smooth arrangements [↓]
- thinly allow arrangements oh I vomits [↓]
- I malt hot arrangements vision wholly [↓]
- oh thy arrangements sawmill volition [↓]
- hallow moving literary astonishment [↓]
- oh literary misalignment has won volt [↓]
- who smooths literary alignment anvil [↓]
- hastening hollow literary vomits man [↓]
- am inventing smooth literary hallows [↓]
- hmm literary lightness notion avowal [↓]
The sun and the void
- hounds that envied [↓]
- oh hindu vendettas [↓]
The United States of America
- I attach foe underestimates [↓]
- I anaesthetised foam cutter [↓]
- semi deafest authenticator [↓]
- aid out fattest archenemies [↓]
- fattest niece do amateurish [↓]
- ushered fattest emaciation [↓]
- I echoed in fattest amateurs [↓]
The whole worlds a stage
- two wholehearted slags [↓]
this is a test
- its atheists [↓]
- this is taste [↓]
United States of America
- tearstained coitus fame [↓]
- safest mute eradication [↓]
- disseminate cutrate oaf [↓]
- faeces mar a destitution [↓]
- creationist medusa fate [↓]
- use a fatted creationism [↓]
- its a confederate autism [↓]
- administers a toe faucet [↓]
- unassociated fattier me [↓]
- tenacious sad fattier me [↓]
Wdros are Secamrbld
We are open for take out
- ok fatter european owe [↓]
Wedding anniversary
- vineyard wanderings [↓]
- new dining adversary [↓]
- any diving wanderers [↓]
- diners envy gin award [↓]
- diners envy a drag win [↓]
Why conspiracy theorists love their anagrams
- ha mythic hearsay progressives i want control [↓]
- ha mythic hearsay progressives i want control [↓]
Why conspiracy theorists love their anagrams f
- change is controversial forth way sympathiser [↓]
- Shifty metaphors awryChange is controversial [↓]
William and Kate
- animal walked it [↓]
- I kilted a lawman [↓]
- hardhitting hecklers [↓]
- trick the highlanders [↓]
- let grand hitchhikers [↓]
- the searchlight drink [↓]
- think red searchlight [↓]
- thick herdearthlings [↓]
- strangler hitchhiked [↓]
- hitchhiker strangled [↓]
- err highlands thicket [↓]
- thinks letharg [↓]
Word list and settings
- its longwinded starts [↓]
Youre a waste
- a tree saw you [↓]
- we say a route [↓]